Granted network projects strengthen connections between Nordic and Baltic countries


Granted network projects strengthen connections between Nordic and Baltic countries

On the second round of short-term network funding in 2022 Nordic Culture Point received 56 applications and decided to grant funding to 13 short-term network projects. The total granted amount was 245 251 euro.

Several of the granted projects work within performing arts or visual arts. However, many of these projects include other art forms in their collaboration. What is seen as a specially valuable this round is that as much as 60 % of the projects include both Nordic and Baltic partners. According to the Expert Group it is important that the programme succeeds in creating new contacts between the Nordic and Baltic countries.  

One of the granted projects was Art-Based Learning at Nordic Art Museums and Art Galleries. The project will form a network for professional collaboration between art educators at six art institutions in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. The project believes that art-based learning has a strong impact for both individuals and the society at large.

Network Funding is part of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture that aims to strengthen artistic and cultural cooperation in the Nordic region and the Baltic countries.

The next application round will be in the spring 2023 when both the short-term network funding and the long-term network funding will be available. Short-term funding is for projects working together up to 1 year whereas the long-term funding is for projects up to three years.

On the Approved funding-page you can see a list of all granted projects on this round as well as the previous rounds.