Approved funding
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Application round | Project title | Grant recepient | Country | Grant |
Grant receivers' stories
Francesca Vincentie, Nordic Remix (music)
“During one week, we challenged each other’s perspectives and shared our languages, traditions and inspiation to create a common, unique sound”. Read more
Erik Glas, Kaaos Kaamos (contemporary circus)
“It’s always cool to see a person do three flips in a row and be sort of “superhuman” but we want to focus on finding the humanity within the people who are doing this work. It’s often tough and it can be very scary – and we want to let it be that way.” Read more
Josef Ka, I AM EDITH SÖDERGRAN (a multidimensional art project)
“I feel truly honored to have been recognized and given the chance to travel in a manner that all artists deserve.” Read more