Tutustu kestävään muotiin ja tue paikallisia ja vastuullisia muotimerkkejä
Pohjoismaat ovat suuria pikamuodin tuottajia ja kuluttajia, mutta viime vuosina elämäntapoja on alettu muuttaa kestävämpään suuntaan. Miten Pohjoismaat voivat nousta muodin kiertotalouden edelläkävijöiksi, ja miten omasta vaatekaapista voi tehdä entistä vastuullisemman?
Tule mukaan paneelikeskusteluun, jonka aiheena on Kestävä muoti Pohjoismaissa: pikamuotiteollisuuden kielteiset vaikutukset ja niiden torjuminen. Keskustelemassa ovat vastuullisuusvaikuttaja ja luennoitsija Outi Pyy, ompeluvallankumoustiimi Fæbrikin Mari Nordén ja hitaaseen muotiin keskittyvän Forét-merkin perustajiin kuuluva Jeppe Meier. Keskustelua moderoi Fashion Revolution Sverigen Fiona Sjöberg. Tapahtumaa voi seurata myös verkossa: https://www.wedonthavetime.org/event/cop26.
Sustainable Fashion Panelin jälkeen pidetään Pop Up Showroom, jossa nähdään pienten, paikallisten ja vastuullisten suomalaisbrändien tuotteita. Innovatiivisia muotilöytöjä tehdessä voi nauttia musiikista, vegaanipurtavista ja paikallisten tuottajien juomista.
Tapahtuma on osa YK:n COP26-ilmastokokouksen pohjoismaisen hubin ohjelmaa.
Participants in the panel discussion:
Fiona Sjöberg (SE) is the coordinator for Fashion Revolution Sweden, a part of the organization Fashion Revolution, and has wide experience within sustainable fashion, ranging from implementing circular business models to communications and PR. Fiona’s background is within Global Studies at the University of Gothenburg, she specializes in the globalized aspect of the fashion industry and the intersection of environmental and social justice. She passionately advocates for a global fashion industry that conserves and restores the environment and values people over growth and profit.
Outi Pyy (FI) is a Helsinki-based sustainability influencer, speaker and business consultant specializing in corporate responsibility in the textile industry. In her Instagram and blog she discusses and writes about responsible fashion practices, sustainable fashion brands, textile recycling, clothing care, and how to make consumption more sustainable. Outi was chosen as the Sustainability Influencer Of the Year 2020 and she hosts an corporate responsibility IGTV-programme called Studio NO_GO with journalist Noora Shingler.
Mari Nordén (NO) is a Norwegian fashion designer, author, crafts enthusiast and singer. Alongside influencers Ingrid Bergtun, Jenny Skavlan and Ingrid Vik Lysne, Mari helps form the popular ‘sewing revolution’ group, Fæbrik. Fæbrik is a DIY collective who sell sewing patterns and use social media to teach and inspire people to sew, mend and create a fun and more sustainable wardrobe. Mari studied fashion design at Middlesex university in London and has had her own label focusing on locally produced, hand dyed and silkscreen printed silk and wool garments. She has run a silkscreen print textile workshop in Oslo and has produced costumes for renowned artists, films and theatre.
Jeppe Meier (DK) founded the Copenhagen based fashion brand Forét together with his childhood friend Jesper Finderup in 2014. In a world that is constantly moving at the speed of light, we end up missing the finer details in life. Using their eye for detail and design simplicity, they wanted to solve this, and provide slow goods for the journey. They created Forét to inspire the everyday person to slow down, go offline & explore our nature; using high quality fabrics, made from responsible materials. Jeppe Meier has a background in marketing and has previously worked for brands such as Ikea, Coca Cola, Norwegian and Spies Rejser.
Brands taking part in the Pop Up Showroom
Sexy sustainable clothing handmade out of thrifted, recycled and eco-friendly materials in limited quantities
Sustainable and luxurious design hand crafted in Finland, key words are experimentation, creative expression and attention to detail
Today’s Hustle for Tomorrow’s Harmony
Helsinki-based ecological streetwear brand of contemporary clothing for young women and men
Finnish premium swimwear brand, sustainably and ethically made from plastic waste and fishing nets
Eco-friendly bag company that uses sustainable materials like nylon made out of plastic waste from the sea and plant leather made from cactus.