The second application round for the Nordic 0-30 collected 27 applications for 707 889 €. The expert group decided to share support for 9 projects for 306,236 €. The individual grant amounts varied from 10,516 € to 50,000 €.
The number of applications continues to rise, which pleases the expert group and shows that Nordic youth co-operation has returned to full swing. Among the applications, there were especially many events and conferences, an important sign that the need and willingness to arrange meeting places for young people is relevant again.
Some examples of projects that received grants are:
Nordljud – Nordic Student News Group by Studentradion i Sverige
The project will create Nordic Student News Group, a network where students, young professionals and journalists collaborate to create and share relevant news from across the Nordics. The idea behind the news group is to collaborate between Nordic student radio stations, journalism students and youth interested in working in media, in working and sharing news with each other.
LEAD Sustainability by Norges KFUK-KFUM
LEAD Sustainability is a Nordic network collection for young people between the ages of 18-30 with the main theme of sustainability. LEAD Sustainability will be a meeting place for young people across national borders, experiences, level of education and commitment. The purpose of this project is to increase youth knowledge and provide concrete tools for youths to be able to act on their commitment and create young action in the sustainability field.
FINO 2022 conference by Finnish Medical Student’s international committee
FINO (The Federation of International Nordic Medical Students’ Organisations) is a yearly conference that brings together Nordic medical students to engage with current health issues. It is organized by students, this year in Tampere 3.-6.11.2022 with the theme Individual Health.
The next round for Norden 0-30 is 6.9.2022 – 6.10.2022.
All projects that have received funding can be found on Nordic Culture Point’s website.