Kvinna vid strand med sjögräs i håret

Myönnetyt tuet

Hakutoiminnon avulla voit suodattaa tuloksia ja nähdä, mitä hankkeita on tuettu. Voit tehdä hakuja tuen tyypin, vuoden ja hankekoordinaattorimaan mukaan.

Kvinna vid strand med sjögräs i håret
Hakukierros Projektin nimi Tuensaaja Maa Tuki

Ittoqqortoormiit – NDBK2402

Ittoqqortoormiit Denmark 4392.00

Theater performance and theater workshop for youth. And shown the movie Tsumu –Where the dream goes and talks in Ittoqqortoormiit.
Theme is choose the life.Project is to solve the suicide problem. To prevent suicide.


Døgnfluer – NDBK2402

Døgnfluer Norway 5952.00

Døgnfluer skal samle ca 70 unge kunstnere (16-30år) for å skape kunstuttrykk på 24 timer 11.-12. oktober i Reykjavik. Målet er å bidra til engasjement, fellesskap og handlekraft i det unge kulturfeltet, inspirere unge til å ta sjanser, samarbeide på tvers av felt og bakgrunn, og skape aktivitet.


Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund – NDBK2402

Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund Sweden 15520.00

I år arrangeras Nordiskt Juniorsläger för döva och hörselskadade unga (13-17 år) i Säfsen, Sverige, 27 juli – 4 augusti. Temat är äventyr för att inspirera till naturutforskning och nya upplevelser. Föreläsningar, workshops och aktiviteter under lägret kommer att hållas på teckenspråk!


Europeiska Ungdomsparlamentet Sverige – NDBK2402

Europeiska Ungdomsparlamentet Sverige Sweden 15000.00

Nordic Summer Training 2024 is a Nordic co-organised event gathering 60 young people for 4 days of workshops and seminars on leadership, facilitation, project management and communication. The training aims to prepare Nordic youth for youth work in the fields of democracy and active citizenship.


Dansk Selskab for Ungdomsmedicin – NDBK2402

Dansk Selskab for Ungdomsmedicin Denmark 25417.00

We want to strengthen the voices of young people in health and healthcare decisions by creating a Nordic youth panel. The panel will share experiences and advocate the rights and needs of youth, incl. youth with chronic illness/disability, to Nordic health professionals and stakeholders.


Citytransformers – NDBK2402

Citytransformers Denmark 36000.00

In connection with UN’s International Day of Peace, we will invite youth from across the Nordic region to join a gathering with futurists, innovators, artists and indigenous Elders. The event will take place on Youth Island – a former sea fortress located in Øresund outside Copenhagen’s UN City.


Pohjola-Nordenin Nuorisoliitto – NDBK2402

Pohjola-Nordenin Nuorisoliitto Finland 30000.00

UNR är ett forum för politiska ungdomsorganisationer i Norden. Unga planerar, verkställer och utvärderar verksamheten. Via UNR för ungdomar fram konkreta förslag i det nordiska samarbetet. År 2024 är temat Ungas framtid i den nordiska politiken och bjuder Nordiska rådet till diskussion kring temat.


Suomen UNM ry / UNM Finland rf – NDBK2402

Suomen UNM ry / UNM Finland rf Finland 40000.00

Suomen UNM ry järjestää vuotuisen UNM-festivaalin Uudellamaalla 25.-31.8.2025. UNM on pohjoismainen nykymusiikkiin keskittyvä festivaali, jossa alle 31-vuotiaiden pohjoismaisten ja balttialaisten säveltäjien ja monitaiteilijoiden uusia teoksia esitetään paikalliselle ja kansainväliselle yleisölle.


Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Norway – NDBK2402

Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Norway Norway 40000.00

This project seeks to unite youth across Norway, Sweden, and Finland to discuss regional security issues. Three connected conferences in the respective countries will address relevant topics through lectures, discussions, and social activities, fostering solidarity among future Nordic leaders.


IMCC Danmark on behalf of Federation of International Medical Students’ Organisations (FINO) – NDBK2401

IMCC Danmark on behalf of Federation of International Medical Students' Organisations (FINO) Denmark 22000.00

FINO brings together medical students from across the Nordics to foster collaboration, discuss health topics, and exchange experiences from student-led health projects. The focus of FINO2024 is Sexual and Reproductive Health and how a new generation of health professionals can work to improve it.


JM Norway – NDBK2401

JM Norway Norway 42100.00

Vi søker midler for å utveksle deltakere, ledere og frivillige på bandleir i Norge, Island, Finland og Sverige for jenter, trans og ikke-binær ungdom. Utvekslingsprogrammets mål er å bygge nettverk og kompetanse, og videreutvikle metoder og innhold i prosjektene gjennom deling av erfaringer og ideer


Nordiska Ekonomie Studerandes Union (NESU) – NDBK2401

Nordiska Ekonomie Studerandes Union (NESU) Finland 30000.00

NESU Excursionin järjestää NESU Finland ry ja Pohjoismaiset kauppatieteiden yliopisto-opiskelijat ovat hankkeen suunnittelijat, kohderyhmä ja arvioijat. Ekskursio järjestetään 11.9.-16.9.2024. Bergeniin. Verkostoitumistapahtuma on kaikille taloudellisesti mahdollinen lähtökohdista riippumatta.


Voksenåsen Kultursenter – NDBK2401

Voksenåsen Kultursenter Norway 18000.00

Nordic Youth Con for Democracy er en årlig konferanse om demokrati og ytringsfrihet for ungdom i alderen 15-24 fra Norden. Ungdomsmedvirkning er grunnsteinen i prosjektet, og konferansen skapes av, med og for nordisk ungdom. I år skal konferansen avholdes 25-27 Oktober i Oslo på Voksenåsen hotell.


Forandringsfabrikken – NDBK2401

Forandringsfabrikken Norway 42681.00

“Our rights – our future” gives children, young people and adults knowledge about children’s rights. Young people 12-21 will create information material and present this through social media and exhibitions. The impact will contribute to a future where children’s rights are widely known and secured.


SF ungdom – NDBK2401

SF ungdom Denmark 22644.00

Nature, climate and the environment – Nordic Youth Camp is an event organised by and for young people, where young people from all Nordic countries get together to discuss topics relating to nature, climate change and environmentalism. The camp will be held in Copenhagen from 9-12 May 2024.


Green Habito – NDBK2401

Green Habito Finland 50000.00

The project increases young people`s knowledge about sustainanble Nordic Food Culture system and improves their habits and skills on sustainabile lifestyle in our communities by chaingin consumption habits, healthly choises and reinforce young people`s role as multipliers.


4573428214 – NDBK2401

4573428214 Åland Islands 50000.00

ReGeneration 2030 is a youth-led organisation uniting young activists for sustainability in the Nordic and Baltic Sea region. All our activities, including annual ReGeneration Week (August) and Catalysts for Change Programme (April-June), are organised bottom-up principle by youth volunteers.


Norræna félagið á Íslandi – NDBK2303

Norræna félagið á Íslandi Iceland 10000.00

The projects aims to empower youth in the West Nordics in active Nordic cooperation through sharing of best practices and creation of sustainable networks.


Nordic drum contact – NDBK2303

Nordic drum contact Finland 7500.00

We are political bands against injustice. Our collaboration will deeply connect these previously disconnected bands by visiting each other and playing drums in Pride-parades and demonstrations throughout the nordics. We will bring power and loudness to the fight for equal rights for all.


Suomen Nuorisovaltuustojen Liitto ry – NDBK2303

Suomen Nuorisovaltuustojen Liitto ry Finland 16960.00

The ”Nordic Youth Participation Summit” is a weekend-long event that actively involves children and young people from Finnish, Swedish and Danish youth council unions. Throughout the event we are planning to have Youth-Centric Workshops and Opportunities for networking.


Suomen YK-nuoret – Finlands FN-ungdom – UN Youth of Finland ry – NDBK2303

Suomen YK-nuoret - Finlands FN-ungdom - UN Youth of Finland ry Finland 16450.00

We will establish a youth-lead Nordic Youth, Peace and Security Coalition to support young people and youth organizations in their peacebuilding work and to advance the Youth, Peace and Security -agenda in the Nordics. The project will cover the first two years of the Coalitions work.


Rock Donna rf – NDBK2303

Rock Donna rf Finland 10000.00

2024 har föreningen Rock Donna 10-års jubileum som ska firas med en konferens med workshops och konserter för unga deltagare och ledare från Finland och Island.


Foreningen NORDEN i Grønland – NDBK2303

Foreningen NORDEN i Grønland Greenland 23893.00

Foreningen NORDEN i Grønland inviterer unge fra alle de nordiske lande til Nuuk SNOW Fest marts 2024. De unge kommer til at være sammen om den kreative arbejdsproces. Vores erfaring er, at der ud af samskabelsen opstår et fællesskab, der er er meget større end ved passive kulturoplevelser.


UN Association of Finland – NDBK2303

UN Association of Finland Finland 31450.00

The project brings together Youth Ambassadors, UN Youth and other active youth from Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Estonia as well as Sámi Youth Council members. They learn about SDG monitoring at national and international level and learn to use digital tools for human rights based SDG monitoring.


Rauhankasvatusinstituutti ry – NDBK2303

Rauhankasvatusinstituutti ry Finland 50000.00

Hate Speech threatens youth participation and inclusion in the Nordics. We therefore gather youth from all Nordic countries to create a safe arena to counter hate speech. Youth are both the organisers and the participants in this project aiming to create a Nordic Youth Network Against Hate Speech.


Vihreiden nuorten ja opiskelijoiden liitto ry – NDBK2303

Vihreiden nuorten ja opiskelijoiden liitto ry Finland 50000.00

Youth from the Green youth organisations from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and from the Hållbart initiativ political movement in Åland are planning and producing together a summer camp aiming to provide the skills and inspiration needed for young people to find their voice in politics.


Föreningen RUNG – resande/rom, ung, ny och gammal – NDBK2303

Föreningen RUNG - resande/rom, ung, ny och gammal Sweden 42747.00

Prosjektet vil arrangere nasjonale og internasjonale møter for romske/reisende/romanifolk/tater studenter i de nordiske landene med mål om å styrke studentene og jobbe mot opprettelsen av et nordisk nettverk for studentgruppen.


Jakten på den sista vildmarken – NDBK2302

Jakten på den sista vildmarken Sweden 5000.00

Vi söker stöd för att spela in en pilot av en dokumentärfilm om arktisk turism. Piloten spelas in på Grönland i augusti 2023 av den åländska arbetsgruppens medlemmar, som båda är strax över 20 år gamla. I filmen ges stort utrymme till unga grönländares perspektiv på frågan.


Døgnfluer – NDBK2302

Døgnfluer Norway 5126.00

Døgnfluer skal samle 50-60 unge kunstnere (16-30år) for å skape kunstuttrykk på 24 timer. 6.-7. oktober i Reykjavik. Målet er å bidra til engasjement, fellesskap og handlekraft i det unge kulturfeltet, inspirere unge til å ta sjanser, samarbeide på tvers av felt og bakgrunn, og skape aktivitet.


Suomen YK-nuoret / The UN Youth of Finland – NDBK2302

Suomen YK-nuoret / The UN Youth of Finland Finland 33690.00

This project creates a Nordic Youth, Peace and Security Forum during September 2023. The forum brings together youth to discuss issues in youth, peace and security and learn from each other. Finally, a Nordic network for Youth, Peace and Security is formed.


4573428214 – NDBK2302

4573428214 Åland Islands 10000.00

ReGeneration Week 2023 is a 5-day sustainability festival in Åland, bringing together individuals from various sectors and at least 150 young people to discuss sustainable production and consumption, share knowledge and tools, and foster learning and collaboration across the region.


Art Lab Gnesta – NDBK2302

Art Lab Gnesta Sweden 49986.00

I Oraklets kluvna tungor skapar den självorganiserade barngruppen Rädda Jorden-klubben under 2023-2024 en föreställning som stimulerar samtal om samtiden och möjliga framtider i dialog med andra barn, forskare och aktivister i Sverige, Danmark och Norge.


IFMSA-Sweden – NDBK2302

IFMSA-Sweden Sweden 14000.00

FINO 2023 planeras till Uppsala 2-5 november 2023 och är årets möte för FINO, det nordiska samarbetet för IFMSA-anslutna vårdstudentorganisationer i Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge och Sverige. På temat ”Konflikt och Hälsa” kommer medlemmar utbyta erfarenheter, bygga kapacitet och inspireras.


Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund – NDBK2302

Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund Sweden 16746.00

Årets NUL för döva ungdomar 18-30 år blir av den 29 sep- 1 okt 2023 i Stockholm, Sverige.Temat för NUL i år är tabubelagda ämnena och med detta är att bryta tabuämnet genom föreläsningar och workshop, diskussioner och nätverkande som sker på deltagarnas egna villkor och språk; Teckenspråk.


Svenska stiftelsen ung nordisk musik – NDBK2302

Svenska stiftelsen ung nordisk musik Sweden 50000.00

Mellan den 19-25 augusti 2024 arrangerar Ung Nordisk Musik Sverige den årliga UNM-festivalen i Örebro. UNM är en nordisk konstmusikfestival där musikskapare under 31 år fyllda från hela Norden och de baltiska länderna presenterar nyskrivna verk för en lokal och internationell publik.


Saami Council – NDBK2302

Saami Council Norway 50000.00

The project will establish a cross-border Sámi Youth Network where youth will have the possibility to join forces, discuss present and future matters of common concern, and set common goals and future ambitions in cross-border cooperation. The project will last for 2 years starting in August 2023.


Kiki House Of Angels – NDBK2301

Kiki House Of Angels Sweden 50000.00

We aim to organize a series of monthly ballroom events, across 7 Nordic cities between August 2023 and July 2024 where the Nordic LGBTQPIA+ communities get to unite, connect and strengthen the sense of community among queer and BIPOC Nordic individuals between the ages of 10 and 30.


Nordiska Folkhögskolan – NDBK2301

Nordiska Folkhögskolan Sweden 20000.00

Nordiskt Ljus är en tvärkonstnärlig kulturfestival bestående av sommarkurser, konstnärliga residens och festivalhelg. Projektet görs i syfte att skapa gränsöverskridande möten mellan unga i Norden och vara en motståndskraft till högerextrema rörelser som gör anspråk på det Nordiska begreppet.


Luonto-Liitto rf. – NDBK2301

Luonto-Liitto rf. Finland 50000.00

Pohjoismaisen verkoston nuoret suunnittelevat ja toteuttavat yhdessä 3 oppimis- ja toimintaleiriä. Leirien teemat ovat: 1) ilmasto- ja ympäristökriisit sekä sosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuus 2) käytännön tason ennallistamistyöt 3) tunne- ja empatiataidot 4) sukupolvien ja eri väestönosien yhteistyö.


Rädda Barnens Ungdomsförbund – NDBK2301

Rädda Barnens Ungdomsförbund Sweden 48439.00

Rädda Barnens ungdomsförbund i Sverige, Danmark, Island och Åland vill arrangera ett inkluderande läger som stärker nordiskt samarbete inom barnrättsrörelsen. Projektet ska mellan april-september 2023 planera, genomföra och följa upp på Nordic Activist Camp, tillsammans med barn och unga själva.


AIESEC Suomi ry – NDBK2301

AIESEC Suomi ry Finland 46700.00

ITtT is a conference to empower youth to connect with other like-minded young persons in the region to create social and cultural projects among our countries and build long-lasting connections. At the same time, we develop soft and hard skills. The conference will be held from 7 to 11 June 2023



ADORNO ApS Denmark 31807.00

The network has several objectives:
– to create a network for design students and universities through which they can present their work internationally.
– to create a network from which students and schools get inspired, forge collaborations and debate about the concept of Nordic design.


Hurja Piruetti Västra Nylands Dansinstitut rf – NDBK2203

Hurja Piruetti Västra Nylands Dansinstitut rf Finland 10000.00

Sensing North is a multi-sensory project in which embodiment, movement, the sensuous, and presence form the basis for participation and encounters. It brings young dancers from Iceland and Finland together to create a performative outcome 2023.


Art Across – NDBK2203

Art Across Iceland 50000.00

A collective of young Deaf and hearing artists from Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Denmark will tour Nordic countries to present innovative musical concepts, inclusive of all regardless of their hearing status, and lead workshop to empower local deaf communities to participate in their creation.


Arctic Caucus – NDBK2203

Arctic Caucus Denmark 8093.00

Sandnes Kulturskole (NO), Tónlistarskólinn (IS), Kulturskolen Syddjurs (DK) og Serravik Kulturskole (GL) planlægger sammen en workshopfestival i uge 7, 2024. Her skal 80-100 elever og 10 lærere mødes en uge i Sisimiut for at deltage i workshops i musik, sang, dans, billedkunst og filmproduktion.


Nesttun Unge Strykere – NDBK2203

Nesttun Unge Strykere Norway 10000.00

Nestun Unge Strykere er et barne- og ungdomsorkester i Bergen. Vi søker om støtte til et samarbeidsprosjekt med Torshavn Musikkskole høsten 2023. Med prosjektet ønsker vi å skape en læringsarena for disse to orkesterene der de kan samarbeide om et program og lære om hverandre.


Sverigeunion för Soroptimistklubbar – NDBK2203

Sverigeunion för Soroptimistklubbar Sweden 33504.00

SNLA är en utbildning i ledarskap och personlig utveckling för unga kvinnor från Norden. Det är ett nordiskt samarbete sedan 2017 mellan de nordiska soroptimistorganisationerna. Syftet är att stärka unga kvinnor med färdigheter i ledarskap, kvinnors rättigheter, självkänsla och personlig utveckling.


DATS – Dansk Amatør Teater og Scenekunst – NDBK2203

DATS - Dansk Amatør Teater og Scenekunst Denmark 24767.00

Scenoskop is a yearly danish festival for performing arts, presenting performances made by youths and emerging stage artists. The festival is run on a non-profit volunteer basis by youths aged 18-25. In 2023 the festival wants to create a side program focusing on international collaborations.


Nordic Youth Associations – NDBK2203

Nordic Youth Associations Finland 50000.00

”Mångfaldsfest” bidrar till fredlig samexistens i mångfaldiga Norden. Det är ett ungdomslett projekt bestående av en studie, en kurs, ett seminarium och en verkstad runtom i Norden under år 2023.


Suoma Sámi Nuorat | Suomen Saamelaisnuoret ry – NDBK2203

Suoma Sámi Nuorat | Suomen Saamelaisnuoret ry Finland 42500.00

Yhdeksäs Sápmi Pride järjestetään elokuussa 2023 Suomen puolella Hetassa. Tänä vuonna Suomen Saamelaisnuoret ry on ensimmäistä kertaa tapahtuman pääjärjestäjä. Tapahtuman tavoitteena on luoda kohtaamispaikka seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöihin kuuluville saamelaisnuorille.


Norske Kveners Forbund – Ruijan Kveeniliitto – NDBK2203

Norske Kveners Forbund - Ruijan Kveeniliitto Norway 14385.00

Kirjakylpy er et kulturutvekslingsprogram for barn og unge på Nordkalotten tilhørende østersjøfinske språk av nordfinske dialekter, kvensk og meänkieli. Vi ønsker å skape samhold og bygge et sterkere språk-, kultur- og litteraturfelleskap gjennom å dele litteratur mellom unge på tvers av grensene.


Näkövammaisten liitto ry – NDBK2203

Näkövammaisten liitto ry Finland 23978.00

Peer support and friends, in general, are extremely important for young people. This is even more true for visually impaired youth, which are scattered across the Nordic countries. To promote these, we organize a camp for visually impaired youth from all Nordic countries.


Vihreiden nuorten ja opiskelijoiden liitto ry – NDBK2203

Vihreiden nuorten ja opiskelijoiden liitto ry Finland 50000.00

Changemakers’ Summer Camp: Nordic Nature is a nature conservation, sustainability, and politics -themed capacity building and best practices exchange project for active youth from Finland, Norway, Sweden and Åland, taking place as a summer camp in the Åland islands.


Femina ry – NDBK2203

Femina ry Finland 50000.00

Creation & empowerment of ”Youth Advocacy Alliance”network, that will enchace young`s people skills and knowledge on Nordic sustainability and brings together young people, CSOs, institution and dicision makers of the Baltic Sea Region to share experiences and combat joint challenges faced by youth.


Norges KFUK-KFUM – NDBK2202

Norges KFUK-KFUM Norway 20000.00

LEAD Sustainability er en nordisk nettverkssamling for unge mellom 18-30 år med hovedtema bærekraft. Nettverkssamlingen er et partnerskap mellom Fryshuset i Sverige, Fairhuset i Danmark og Forandringshuset i Norge – alle tre under YWCA-YMCA paraplyen.


New Nordic Creative Rf – NDBK2202

New Nordic Creative Rf Finland 40000.00

Bringing the best and brightest entrepreneurial students from the Nordics to Helsinki to attend the Nordic Creative Innovation Summit, where they will form cross-disciplinary teams to ideate & co-create sustainable solutions within the cultural and creative industries during an Innovation Challenge.


Victoria Ndu Chizobam – NDBK2202

Victoria Ndu Chizobam Finland 24650.00

Young people constitute a critical social, economic, and political capital in their communities,But this disadvantaged youths continue to face a myriad of challenges. African Civil Society and partners will prepare these young people relating to participation in public life from July 27-31/2022



UNGiKÖR Sweden 50000.00

NORBUSANG är en nordisk barn- och ungdomskörsfestival som 2023 kommer att äga rum i Jönköping, Sverige. Syftet är att genom sång och sociala aktiviteter knyta nordiska band på ett hållbart och inkluderande sätt. De unga finns med i organisationernas styrorgan och i festivalens projektorganisation.


Finnish Medical Students’ International Committee – NDBK2202

Finnish Medical Students' International Committee Finland 11070.00

FINO (The Federation of International Nordic Medical Students’ Organisations) is a yearly conference that brings together Nordic medical students to engage with current health issues. It is organized by students, this year by FiMSIC with the theme Individual Health in Tampere 3.-6.11.2022.


Voksenåsen – NDBK2202

Voksenåsen Norway 10516.00

Voksenåsen skal høsten 2022 arrangere en nordisk ungdomskonferanse med fokus på demokrati og ytringsfrihet i nordiske land. Deltakerne er ungdom fra Norge, Sverige og Danmark. Konferansen er tenkt som et første skritt i arbeidet med å etablere en årlig demokratikonferanse av og for nordisk ungdom.


Studentradion i Sverige – NDBK2202

Studentradion i Sverige Sweden 50000.00

We want to create a Nordic Student News Group, where students, young professionals and journalists collaborate on creating and sharing relevant news from across the Nordics.


Ung Nordisk Musikk Norge – NDBK2202

Ung Nordisk Musikk Norge Norway 50000.00

In August 2023 Oslo will be the host of the yearly Nordic, contemporary music festival Ung Nordisk Musikk (UNM). The festival will focus on language; the language we use when we talk about music, both in artistic, social, critical and pedagogical manners. Music is language, text and communication.


Ungdomsbureauet – NDBK2202

Ungdomsbureauet Denmark 50000.00

Med en scen där unga på ungas villkor och initiativ lyfter tankar, idéer och drömmar ska unga få aktivt inflytande på den nya nordiska demokratifestivalen Ungdommens Folkemøde NORD. Kreativ frihet ges till en grupp unga nordbor för att utveckla programinnehåll om demokrati och samhällsfrågor.


AlandiaStrings – NDBK2201

AlandiaStrings Åland Islands 3000.00

En resa till Skåne under en helg i maj för utbyte med fiolspelande barn och unga i Simrishamn, med syfte att knyta nya kontakter och inspireras av att spela nordisk folkmusik tillsammans med andra jämnåriga.


Nordic Youth Associations – NDBK2201

Nordic Youth Associations Finland 45000.00

By Northern Inclusion we enhance social inclusion by facilitating collaboration between institutions and providing support for personal relations. This all-Nordic-Baltic project takes place in 2022 and consists of activities in Faroe Islands, Lithuania and Norway, plus media material production.


Arbetarrörelsens Barnorganisation i Norden – NDBK2201

Arbetarrörelsens Barnorganisation i Norden Sweden 15252.00

A a four component youth education, where nordic youth from Sweden, Norway Finland and Denmark will exchange experiences regarding youth
engagement and receive capacity building within public speaking, debating, politics development and societal skills regarding getting to know political systems.


Afrikas Horn Ungdumsforbund – NDBK2201

Afrikas Horn Ungdumsforbund Sweden 39300.00

This multi-cultural project aims to engage youth from marginalised ,migrant communities & empower, promote participation by interactive arts workshops – drama, music, dance, poetry to tackle issues such as identity,intergration,unemployment. It will culminate in an arts & cultural showcase in Sweden


Ung Teaterscen – NDBK2201

Ung Teaterscen Sweden 22420.00

NEATA Youth camp är ett läger för engagerade unga i NEATA Youth, anordnat av Ung Teaterscen. Det ett fyradagarsläger läger för teaterintresserade runt om i Norden där de får chansen att nätverka, workshoppa och utbyta erfarenheter.


Föreningarna Nordens Förbund /Nordjobb – NDBK2201

Föreningarna Nordens Förbund /Nordjobb Denmark 31400.00

Projektet ämnar sprida kunskap och inspiration om jobb och kulturupplevelser i Norden, unga nordbor emellan. Tidigare Nordjobbare blir ambassadörer som håller kreativa informationsuppdrag i Norden. Uppdragen ämnar att inspirera samt minska tröskeln för att jobba, uppleva kultur och språk i Norden.


KFUM og KFUK i Danmark – NDBK2201

KFUM og KFUK i Danmark Denmark 22237.00

The project includes a Nordic Youth Camp in Finland in July 2022.
This unique camp will focus on participants age 12–17 where the youth prepares workshops for others,
leadership sessions for age 16–17 and valuable opportunities to experience nature and
collective work in international context


Luonto-Liitto rf. – NDBK2201

Luonto-Liitto rf. Finland 48000.00

Pohjoismaista verkostoa luodaan tapaamisissa, joissa nuoret myös osallistuvat leirin suunnitteluun. Suuren kansainvälisen ilmastoleirin teemat: 1) pohjoinen ulottuvuus ja yhteistyö ilmastonmuutoksessa 2) ilmastonmuutoksen konkreettiset sopeuttamis- ja ennallistamistoimet, 3) sukupolvien välisyys.


Femina ry – NDBK2201

Femina ry Finland 45168.00

The project increases young people`s knowledge and awareness about gender equality and reinforce young people`s role in creation of an inclusive and equal school/environment with a focus on increased youth active participation and women empowerment by tackling gender based discrimination.


Norges Døveforbunds Ungdom – NDBK2201

Norges Døveforbunds Ungdom Norway 50000.00

NDFU er en del av DNUR og dette året har NDFU ansvaret å arrangere Nordisk ungdomsleir for døve og hørselshemmede fra hele Norden. Vi har en leirkomité hvor det består av noen ungdommer som skal finne på programmer og aktiviteter i leiren. Leiren skal skje den 20.–26. juli 2022.


4573428214 – NDBK2103

4573428214 Åland Islands 40000.00

A leadership programme on circular economy during 2022 will involve around 30-50 youth in the Nordic and Baltic Sea regions. The participants meet a team of experts and learn more together how to become “circulents” in their every-day life, how to advocate for change, and take the lead in the field.


European Youth Parliament Finland – EYP Finland ry – NDBK2103

European Youth Parliament Finland - EYP Finland ry Finland 35000.00

The aim of the project is to provide an international platform of non-formal education for young Europeans to voice their opinions on issues concerning the Baltic Sea, climate change, and cross border cooperation in the city of Mariehamn on the Åland Islands in July 2022.


Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen – NDBK2103

Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen Norway 27500.00

Amandusfestivalen arrangerer filmfestivaler fysisk og digitalt, for nordisk ungdom i alderen 13 -26 år. Vi samler unge filmskapere for å øke kompetanse og skape nettverk, gjennom en nordisk arena for ytring og underholdning. Festivalen arrangeres av studenter, med innspill fra ungdommene selv.


Kunskapscentrum fritidsledarskap – NDBK2103

Kunskapscentrum fritidsledarskap Sweden 10000.00

Utveckla kompetens och metoder för demokrati och delaktighet för att rusta unga och deras ledare, så att de kan bli aktiva aktörer i dialogen kring de ”Europeiska principerna och riktlinjerna för lokal öppen fritids- och ungdomsverksamhet” och lokalt ungdomsarbete, i den egna kommunen.


Ung kirkesang – NDBK2103

Ung kirkesang Norway 30000.00

Norbusangfestivalen 2022, Inderøy, Norge, 24. – 29. mai. Nordisk barne- og ungdomskorfestival for 600 deltakere 10-20 år og 25 voluntører 18-25 år fra alle nordiske land. Kurs for volontører, felleskor, seks vokale workshoper, små og store konserter.


Ung Nordisk Musik – Iceland – NDBK2103

Ung Nordisk Musik - Iceland Iceland 50000.00

Ung Nordisk Musik Festival will be held in Reykjavík from 15-21 August 2022. The festival invites 39 young Nordic and Baltic artists under the age of 30 to present their works. 19 of them will have pieces premiered that they developed in an artist residency in Reykjavik before the festival.


Nordiska Folkhögskolan – NDBK2103

Nordiska Folkhögskolan Sweden 20000.00

Nordiskt Ljus är en tvärkonstnärlig kulturfestival bestående av sommarkurser, konstnärliga residens och festivalhelg. Projektet görs i syfte att skapa gränsöverskridande möten mellan unga i Norden och vara en motståndskraft till högerextrema rörelser som gör anspråk på det Nordiska begreppet.


C-cube – NDBK2103

C-cube Denmark 50000.00

ReGen North Pilot will create a team of young people from Greenland, Norway and Denmark who will be trained in making a free, open-source data portal with data and insights from the twenty most relevant topics according to young people of the participants’ own cities. Lead by C-cube in Aarhus.


Vihreiden nuorten ja opiskelijoiden liitto ry – NDBK2103

Vihreiden nuorten ja opiskelijoiden liitto ry Finland 50000.00

Feminist Changemakers’ Summer Camp is a sustainability, equality and politics -themed capacity building and best practices exchange project for youth from Finland, Norway, Sweden and Åland, taking place as a summer camp in the Åland islands.


Alþjóðleg kvikmyndahá Rvk – NDBK2102

Alþjóðleg kvikmyndahá Rvk Iceland 25000.00

RIFF4Future brings together youth from the Nordic regions for an online workshop to reflect on audiovisual opportunities in the era of New Media and Global Warming. Using filmmaking, new media and storytelling they will build new voices in regards to SDG ́s awareness.


Nordic Safe Cities – NDBK2102

Nordic Safe Cities Denmark 24875.00

The Nordic Pioneer Network, the next phase after the Pioneer Prize, seeks to strengthen and support the Nordic youth in generating safe democratic local communities by fostering Nordic youth leadership through a mentorship program for our ambassadors, utilising them as catalysts for change.


Tilioq – NDBK2102

Tilioq Greenland 25000.00

Projektet samler grønlandske, norske og danske unge med handicap til en kapacitetsopbyggende rettighedstræning i efteråret 2021. Projektets mål er at unge med handicap får mulighed for at påvirke samfundet gennem en fælles nordisk platform, der er ungeledet og ungedrevet.


Pohjola-Nordenin Nuorisoliitto – NDBK2102

Pohjola-Nordenin Nuorisoliitto Finland 25000.00

Ungdomens Nordiska Råd (UNR) firar i år 50 år sen den första ungdomssessionen. UNR firar med workshops och paneldebatter under 2 dagar före sessionen kring ungdomars ledarskap för ambition inom hållbarhet i Norden. Nordiska ungdomar leder och deltar i evenemangen samt debatterar med UNR:s alumner.


Studentradion i Sverige – NDBK2102

Studentradion i Sverige Sweden 12926.00

We are seeking support for building a network between studentradios that enables the sharing of music, news, current debates amongst youth.
With this network we would like to improve awareness of the content being created as well as learning from each other across the nordic countries.


European Youth Parliament Finland – EYP Finland ry – NDBK2101

European Youth Parliament Finland - EYP Finland ry Finland 7728.00

The Nordic Mentoring Program of EYP Finland, Sweden and Norway is a joint project that gathers together European Youth Parliament network members to support one another. During the program alumni of EYP will be mentoring younger members to develop their skills and become active citizens.


Utrikespolitiska Föreningen i Malmö – NDBK2101

Utrikespolitiska Föreningen i Malmö Sweden 8000.00

The NCIA is an annual conference from students for students. It is a 2-day event with the theme ’Democracy in Crisis’ and will offer panel debates and possibilities for students and young professionals to network and learn about current international affairs from the perspective of the Nordics.


Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund – NDBK2101

Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund Sweden 8000.00

Årets Nordiska Ungdomsläger för döva ungdomar 18-30 år blir av den 23-29 augusti 2021 i Säfsen. Sverige. Temat är ”Natur”, där vi kommer att använda oss mycket av den vackra fjällomgivningen med föreläsningar, diskussioner och nätverkande som sker på deltagarnas egna villkor och språk: teckenspråk.


Kiki House Of Angels – NDBK2101

Kiki House Of Angels Sweden 25000.00

The organization and production of a series of festivals across three Nordic countries from May to September 2022 where the Nordic LGBTQIA+ communities get to unite and connect, strengthening the sense of community among young queer and BIPOC individuals between the ages of 8 and 30.


Salvör Gullbrá Þórarinsdóttir – NDBK2101

Salvör Gullbrá Þórarinsdóttir Iceland 25000.00

Kidarchy is a political theater project that aims to give children a space to voice their ideas,dreams and plans to change the world around them using tools of theater/performance. It operates from Nordic House Iceland and hosts workshops and events by and for children aged 8-12, starting May 2021.


Teater ZeBU – NDBK2101

Teater ZeBU Denmark 20000.00

Hvad tænker du om mig? Betyder vores fælles historie noget for dig?
Familien Norden åbner scenerummet for unges egne historier om vores nordiske familie. Der findes mange faste og homogene forestillinger om hvad der udgør en ideel familie. Men passer ideerne til virkeligheden i 2021?



SDG WORLD Denmark 24862.00

By combining local actions, networking, training in creative tools/methods for young people and teachers, this project aims at building a model for mobilizing and activating young people in schools to learn about and work with the SDGs in their local communities.


Norges KFUK-KFUM-speidere – NDBK2101

Norges KFUK-KFUM-speidere Norway 25000.00

Nordisk Speiderkonferanse samler unge representanter fra nordiske speiderorganisasjoner til et semi-virtuelt møte 13.-16. mai. Her skaper vi nye samarbeidsformer/nordiske speideraktiviteter for perioden 2022-24. I september vil to representanter fra hvert land samles i Stockholm for oppfølgingsmøte.


Nordic Youth Associations – NDBK2101

Nordic Youth Associations Finland 25000.00

Nordliga Broar höjer ungdomsorganisationers kapacitet att genom sin verksamhet ta tag i polarisering i samhället. Projektet görs under 2021 för och av unga från hela Norden och Baltikum och består av en verkstad och ett seminarium där vi producerar en film och en guide.


Nyreforeningen – Nyreforeningen børn og unge – NDBK2003

Nyreforeningen - Nyreforeningen børn og unge Denmark 12090.00

We at Nyreforeningen Børn og Unge are looking for money for a Nordic network and knowledge sharing conference for young kidney patients between the ages of 18 and 35 from all over the Nordic region. The conference will be from Friday to Sunday on the weekend of 10-12. September 2021.


Rural Life Finland – NDBK2003

Rural Life Finland Finland 16000.00

God Dag är ett 5-dagars seminarium i februari 2021 där 25 nordiska unga i åldern 17-26 utforskar, dokumenterar och sprider verktyg som kan stödja den egna och andras mentala hälsa.


Ashoka Nordic – NDBK2003

Ashoka Nordic Sweden 22250.00

Vi vill med projektet skapa ett stöttande nätverk för 25 unga changemakers från Norge, Sverige, Danmark och Finland med kapacitetshöjande insatser runt att få sociala innovationer att växa. Genom att följa dem vill vi även sprida deras historier för att inspirera fler att engagera sig i Agenda 2030.


Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen – NDBK2003

Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen Norway 25000.00

Amandus ONLINE er Amandusfestivalens digitale filmfestival, som arrangeres samtidig med den fysiske festivalen i Lillehammer. Festivalen treffer ungdom fra 13-20 år i hele Skandinavia, og arrangeres av studenter i alderen 19-30 år, med innspill fra unge i egne referansegrupper.


Sager der Samler – NDBK2003

Sager der Samler Denmark 25000.00

210 unge fra folkeskoler i 7 lande finder deres egen Hverdagsaktivist. Med afsæt i Verdensmål 12 udvikler de deres egne initiativer, som har fokus på forbrug. De formidler indsatsen i små film til andre unge. Projektet skaber et nordisk/baltisk hverdagsaktivistisk og handlekraftigt fællesskab.


Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke – NDBK2003

Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke Denmark 24593.00

Etablering af nordisk netværk af organisationer og unge engageret i folkemøder i Danmark, Norge og Sverige. Netværket udveksler viden, metoder og erfaringer med ungedeltagelse og udvikler på denne baggrund et nordisk charter for reel ungeinvolvering, som formidles til aktører i hele norden.


The Why Foundation – NDBK2003

The Why Foundation Denmark 24957.00

The network is a collaboration of youth-led environmental movements and organisations across the Nordics, to give young people a voice in the fight for a more sustainable future. It aims to engage and inform about plastic pollution through film screenings, debates, workshops and creative events.


Vihreiden nuorten ja opiskelijoiden liitto ry – NDBK2003

Vihreiden nuorten ja opiskelijoiden liitto ry Finland 25000.00

The Agenda2030 changemakers’ summer camp is a sustainability and politics -themed capacity building project for active youth from Finland, Norway, Sweden and Åland. In practice, Nordic youth will together plan, produce and participate in a summer camp, taking place in Åland in summer 2021.


Fimigrant ry – NDBK2003

Fimigrant ry Finland 25000.00

The project increases children’s/young people`s knowledge and awareness about Agenda 2030 and reinforce young people`s role in achievement of SDGs by improving they social skills and active engagement at the local and international level. Young people will create a network of agents of change.


Nuorten Akatemia / Youth Academy – NDBK2003

Nuorten Akatemia / Youth Academy Finland 25000.00

The project’s goal is to increase youth knowledge of sustainable development by co-creating a digital Agenda 2030 game with young Nordic participants. The game will be a tool for youth work to have discussions about SDGs. The project will take place in 2021 from January to December.


4573428214 – NDBK2003

4573428214 Åland Islands 25000.00

A leadership programme on circular economy during 2021 will involve around 30-40 youth in the Nordic and Baltic Sea regions. The participants meet a team of experts and learn more together how to become “circulents” in the every-day life, how to advocate change and take the lead in the field.


Cirkus Syd – NDBK2003

Cirkus Syd Sweden 25000.00

Dedicated to explore and expand the field and boundaries of Circus Dramaturgy in the Nordic-Baltic region contemporary circusartists, dramaturgs and academics in the project aims to help the participating young circus artists to create new suggestions of what contemporary circus dramaturgy could be.


Crossing Borders – NDBK2002

Crossing Borders Denmark 21200.00

The project consists of school workshops and community dinners with the main purpose to strengthen young people’s knowledge and develop skills about sustainable development and to gather members of the community to discuss and exchange ideas about sustainable solutions in their local environment.


Acting for Climate – NDBK2002

Acting for Climate Norway 13300.00

Acting for Climate vil lave en børne- og ungdomsforestilling og workshop, KIME, som handler om klima, miljø og bæredygtighed. Med støtten fra Norden 0-30 vil vi gøre KIME tilgængelig for skoler, institutioner og kommuner i norden, ved at nedsætte prisen i en ellers økonomisk presset tid.


The Animation Workshop/VIA UC – NDBK2002

The Animation Workshop/VIA UC Denmark 24134.00

Med FLY Film Festivals etableres et Nordisk-Baltisk film-fællesskab for unge mellem 13 og 18 år. Med film som det fælles verdenssprog får de unge igennem FLY en konkret erfaring med at sætte vigtige globale emner på dagsordenen i fællesskab gennem film-produktion, -kuratering og -oplevelse.


Hygge Factory (in the process of changing its name to ”Ordskælv”) – NDBK2002

Hygge Factory (in the process of changing its name to "Ordskælv") Denmark 24830.00

Den prisvindende bevægelse af ungedrevet litteraturaktivisme båret frem af foreningerne Ordskælv (DK), Ordskjelv (NO), Ordskalv (S) og Orðaskjálf (IS) åbner et fælles fortællerum i efteråret 2020. Sammen fremmer vi generationer af stærke skrivere, empatiske læsere og kreative tænkere i hele Norden.


Alþjóðleg kvikmyndahá Rvk – NDBK2002

Alþjóðleg kvikmyndahá Rvk Iceland 25000.00

RIFF 4 Future brings together youth from the Nordic regions for a workshop in Reykjavík to reflect on audiovisual opportunities in the era of New Media and Global Warming. Using filmmaking, new media and storytelling they will build new voices in regards to SDG´s awareness.


Index Foundation – NDBK2002

Index Foundation Sweden 25000.00

A program strengthening the influence, organisational skills and cultural participation of teenagers.
Using the formats of Teen Advisory Boards and roleplay as methods to produce young agency in the artworld.
Sharing their gained knowledge through a conference, a publication and a website.


Børn og Unge, Aarhus Kommune – NDBK2002

Børn og Unge, Aarhus Kommune Denmark 25000.00

Youth City Future Lab er en konference for unge i Norden. Konferencen udspringer af et nordisk samarbejde mellem nordiske storbyer. I 2021 er konferencens tema ’Håb for Fremtiden’, hvor de blandt andet skal arbejde med FN’s 17 verdensmål. Udbyttet videregives til nordiske ungeråd og til fagfolk.


Norsensus Mediaforum – NDBK2002

Norsensus Mediaforum Norway 25000.00

The project empowers young people to transfer their civic participation in the online medium, by improving their creative media skills. In the context of COVID-19 outbreak, Internet activism/digital participation is explored for encouraging young people to participate in Agenda 2030 implementation.


Stiftelsen Väddö och Södertörns folkhögskolor – NDBK2001

Stiftelsen Väddö och Södertörns folkhögskolor Sweden 15510.00

Youth Cultural Innovation Forum (8-10th of June 2020) will bring together forty young participants, to learn from each other, embrace diversity and create a common understanding in tackling global challenges. The desired outcome is to build a Nordic network of future innovators and changemakers.


Landssamband æskulýðsfélaga – NDBK2001

Landssamband æskulýðsfélaga Iceland 9539.00

Workshop in Iceland for youth delegations within the UN. This is a step in making a comprehensive toolkit for the delegations, that can ensure long-term success, empower young people, and increase unity between Nordic youth in the future and thus strengthen their voice within the UN.


Norges KFUK-KFUM – NDBK2001

Norges KFUK-KFUM Norway 20000.00

LEAD er et nettverk av, for og med unge mennesker. Vi ønsker å invitere til en nordisk samling for å samle, støtte og styrke unge som engasjerer seg i bærekraft. LEAD Social Impact skal være en møteplass for unge mennesker på tvers av landegrenser, erfaringer, utdanningsnivå og engasjement.


Barents Regional Youth Council c/o Norwegian Barents Secretariate – NDBK2001

Barents Regional Youth Council c/o Norwegian Barents Secretariate Norway 18000.00

GLITTER is a summer school which gathers around 100 people and is located in Narvik area. The main topic of it is gender equality, human rights and female empowerment in the Barents in particular, the Nordic and the Arctic in general. Participants – young people 18-30 from the Nordic countries.


Northern Wave IFF – NDBK2001

Northern Wave IFF Iceland 25000.00

Nordic Girls Shoot 2020 is the second edition of a workshop where 14 young Nordic female film makers are invited to come to Iceland to participated in a mentoring program, with female mentors from the Nordic countries and to attend in the Northern Wave International Short Film Festival.


Nordiska Folkhögskolan – NDBK2001

Nordiska Folkhögskolan Sweden 9000.00

”Nordiskt Ljus” är en kulturfestival för unga konst och kulturutövare i Norden. Festivalens görs i syfte att var en kreativ motkraft till de högerextrema krafter som gör anspråk på det nordiska begreppet. Festivalen står på tre ben; ett kursprogram, ett konstnärsresidens och en festivalhelg.


Soroptimist International Danmark – NDBK2001

Soroptimist International Danmark Denmark 25000.00

Soroptimist Nordic Leadership Academy (SNLA) er en kort og intensiv uddannelse i ledelse og personlig udvikling for unge kvinder med nordisk el. anden etnisk baggrund.
Akademiet, der foregår på engelsk en uge hvert år, arrangeres på skift i de nordiske lande. I 2020 er SI Danmark værter i uge 26.


KFUM og KFUM á Íslandi – NDBK2001

KFUM og KFUM á Íslandi Iceland 24900.00

The project includes a Nordic Youth Camp in Finland in July 2020. This unique camp will focus on participants age 12–17 where the youth prepares workshops for others, leadership sessions for age 16–17 and valuable opportunities to experience nature and collective work in international context.


Saga Finland rf. – NDBK2001

Saga Finland rf. Finland 25000.00

We initiate SexEd because society norms and media influence young people to an unhealthy view on sex. In this project, held in spring 2020, young volunteers aged 19-28 at northern European NGOs learn about sexual health and spread their learning among peers, aged 15-22, in their home organisations.


Myrvoll speidergruppe – NDBK2001

Myrvoll speidergruppe Norway 10000.00

I prosjektet vil speidere fra 4 vennskapsregioner i Danmark, Sverige, Finland og Norge sammen arrangere speiderleir ”Nordisk Vennskapsleir”, der unge speidere møtes for fellesskap, kultur- og erfaringsutveksling over landegrensene i en ukes vandreleir til fots i Dovrefjell i perioden 27.6.-4.7.2020.


Cirkus Syd – NDBK1903

Cirkus Syd Sweden 25000.00

A leadership programme by national organisations representing contemporary circus in 8 countries in the Baltic-Nordic region. NHLP supports young confident persons to develop into leaders employable by the field, ready to take on tomorrow’s challenges as cultural managers.


Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen – NDBK1903

Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen Norway 25000.00

Amandus – Lillehammer Internasjonale Studentfilmfestival arrangerer det samfunnstematiske prosjektet Amandus YTRING, som i 2020 vil ta opp spørsmål knyttet til miljøvennlig film- og medieproduksjon. Prosjektet arrangeres av studenter i alderen 19-30 år, med innspill fra unge i egne referansegrupper.


Ung Scen Konst – NDBK1903

Ung Scen Konst Sweden 10000.00

Young Movers 2020 – Nordic Dance and Circus Youth Festival, är en scen, ett lab och en mötespunkt inom dans och cirkuskonst för unga utövare. Initiativet vill möjliggöra för fler barn och unga att gå in i en scenkonstnärlig process och stärkas av att dela med sig av sin konst till andra.


Africa Civil Society in Finland (ACSF) – NDBK1903

Africa Civil Society in Finland (ACSF) Finland 21000.00

Social entrepreneurship and sustainability are growing area of interest. It’s a key area of growth that has the potential to solve many of the challenges faced across the Nordic countries and particularly youth unemployment among second generation young African.The project will be held in Finland


The Laboratory of Vulnerability in the North – NDBK1903

The Laboratory of Vulnerability in the North Faroe Islands 25000.00

We are going to work with age 16-19 in Denmark, the Faroe Islands and in Åland, and to engage with them on vulnerability via an artistic practice-as-research way to understand the Anthropocene—using e.g. North Atlantic foreshores to focus on sustainable consumption and production.


LeadIT AB – NDBK1903

LeadIT AB Sweden 25000.00

Vi ämnar att via musik, brygga gapet mellan en hörande och icke-hörande publik och möjliggöra för fler att få sin röst hörd genom musik.
Idag når vi en publik som till stor del består av barn och unga mellan 15-30år, personer som får ta del av vårt nätverk, plattform och utbildning, kostnadsfritt.


MUD Arrangement – NDBK1903

MUD Arrangement Norway 12893.00

Breaking er en dans som har fokus på kreativitet, samhold, og ren glede. Gatekunst er en måte å bringe natur inn i urban kultur. Vi ønsker å lage et arrangement med minimal miljøpåvirkning som samler engasjerte unge innen breaking og gatekunst, og samtidig spre kunnskap om bærekraftig forbruk.


Suomen Reumaliitto.ry – NDBK1903

Suomen Reumaliitto.ry Finland 25000.00

The NRYW strives to give young people with chronic rheumatic diagnosis tools to care for their mental health when living with a chronic rheumatic diagnosis.Through peer support, therapy-related tools and exercises, as well as social activities.



UNGiKÖR Sweden 25000.00

NORBUSANG 2020 är en nordisk barn- och ungdomskörfestival i Nyköping vars syfte är att skapa kontakt mellan barn och unga i de nordiska länderna, genom starka sångupplevelser och sociala aktiviteter. Ungdomar finns i de nätverkande organisationernas styrorgan och i festivalens projektorganisation.


Oulu University of Applied Sciences – NDBK1902

Oulu University of Applied Sciences Finland 24225.00

This project brings together youth at middle schools in Finland, Sweden and Norway to co-produce street dance productions under SDG themes lead by youth dance teacher education students (under age 30) with support from professional mentors from Norway, Sweden and Finland.


Norges Døveforbund – NDBK1902

Norges Døveforbund Norway 7878.00

7.-12. juli ønsker NDFU å arrangere sommerleir som er åpen for døve og hørselshemmede barn mellom 7-12 år fra de nordiske landene. Temaet “natur og bærekraft” og nordisk tegnspråk skal stå i fokus. Alle aktiviteter og informasjon skal med andre ord foregå på et språk alle deltakerne har tilgang til.



ADORNO ApS Denmark 17000.00

The project aims to establish a network for young designers across the Nordics, including workshops where they will be able to share necessary skills for achieving success in the design market to make a name for themselves, so that these young designers can achieve their potential together.


Röda Korsets Ungdomsförbund – NDBK1902

Röda Korsets Ungdomsförbund Sweden 10340.00

Our goal is to gather young leaders from the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian Red Cross Youth & the Finnish Red Cross youth department. We will facilitate an exchange of experience and knowledge, in order to develop both our young leaders and the humanitarian activities throughout our four countries.


Félag læknanema – NDBK1902

Félag læknanema Iceland 10929.00

In November 2019 our goal is to create a platform for which young people can meet up, exchange ideas and discuss the role they play, as students and professionals, in tackling the social problem that is cancer. We want to show that young people’s perspective can have a meaningful impact.



CROSSING BORDERS Denmark 20729.00

Digital storytelling is a way of exchanging experiences and strengthening one’s own voice. In this project, young leaders will tell and exchange stories about their own diverse experiences of migration, thus illuminating how youth in the Nordic region are interconnected in their movements.


Det Sociale Netværk – NDBK1902

Det Sociale Netværk Denmark 19785.00

NUPT19 skaber politisk aktive medborgere, der påvirker politikken på mental helse-området, i deres egne lande. Formål: netværk for de unge og gøre de unge til aktive politiske aktører, skabe brugerinvolvering, styrke demokratiet da en minoritetsgruppe af unge kommer styrket til orde i debatten.


Nordic Youth Associations – NDBK1902

Nordic Youth Associations Finland 25000.00

Dynamo stärker ungas ledarskap i nordiska och baltiska ungdomsorganisationer med ett seminarium, studiebesök och produktion av en digital kurs för främjande av dialog mellan generationer. Projektet har utvecklats och genomförs av unga och dess fyra aktiviteter hålls mellan augusti 2019 och maj 2020.


Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund – NDBK1902

Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund Sweden 25000.00

Årets Nordiska Ungdomsseminarium för döva ungdomar mellan 18-30 år blir av den 11-13 oktober 2019 i Malmö, Sverige. Temat blir det mycket aktuella ”Klimatångest” med diskussioner, föreläsningar och nätverkande som sker på deltagarnas egna villkor och språk: teckenspråk.


Søholm 4H – NDBK1902

Søholm 4H Denmark 25000.00

“Back to the roots” is a youth seminar dedicated to rediscovering Nordic cultural heritage, which will take place on 9-17 of August 2019 in Ilulissat, Greenland. The project will bring together 35 young people from Denmark, Greenland, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Faroe Islands.


European Youth Parliament Finland – EYP Finland ry – NDBK1902

European Youth Parliament Finland - EYP Finland ry Finland 25000.00

The aim of the project is to provide an international platform of non-formal education for young Europeans to voice their opinions on issues concerning the Arctic, climate change, and cross-border cooperation in the city of Rovaniemi in April 2020.


Nordic Press Association – NDBK1902

Nordic Press Association Denmark 25000.00

Nordic Press Association (NPA) will organise a five-day seminar in Copenhagen. 53 young media makers from the Nordic countries will benefit from meeting peers from the same field, learning about cultural similarities and differences. The programme is completely planned by people under the age of 30.


Norsensus Mediaforum – NDBK1902

Norsensus Mediaforum Norway 25000.00

The project empowers young people to participate more, by working with Agenda 2030 through youth owned media projects. To run the media projects, young people gain creative media skills and knowledge on SDGs, through Nordic level workshop and tools on solutions journalism and youth media projects.


Meginfelag Føroyska Studenta – NDBK1901

Meginfelag Føroyska Studenta Faroe Islands 12500.00

Færøernes (MFS) værtskap for temamøde med ledelserne fra de nordiske og baltiske
studenterunioner i form af det nordiske og baltiske forum NOM (Nordiskt Ordförande Möte)
oktober 2019 med temaet studentermobilitet, demokrati og digitalisering.


Suomen Nuorisosirkuslitto ry – NDBK1901

Suomen Nuorisosirkuslitto ry Finland 22000.00

In June 2019, the project brings together 50 young people from Nordic and Baltic to meet, perform and learn new circus skills together as well as to develop the Nordic-Baltic youth circus field from their point of view.


Saga Finland rf. – NDBK1901

Saga Finland rf. Finland 25000.00

I NordCirkeln lär sig unga om cirkulär ekonomi och sprider information genom att:
– göra lokala studiebesök,
– tillsammans med samarbetspartners genomföra en småskalig mässa i centrala Helsingfors, och
– ge ämnet synlighet i sociala medier för att stöda nordbor i att uppnå en mer cirkulär livsstil.


Nordisk Ungdoms Filmfestival – NUFF – NDBK1901

Nordisk Ungdoms Filmfestival - NUFF Norway 11800.00

From June 21st – 30th 6 young filmmakers from Greenland will meet with other young Nordic filmmakers for 10 days making films, screen films and exchange their experience and methods of developing talents in Greenland.


Tura Ya Moya – NDBK1901

Tura Ya Moya Denmark 12500.00

Et kreativt selvforvaltet seminar og netværksmøde for
nordiske og Grønlandske unge med havet og dets veje som tema.
En kunstnerisk reflektion over vor omgamg med havet som klodens livsvigtige fødekæde.
Projektet afsluttes med en mixedmedia performans i det offentlige rum
Sydhavnen Aarhus.


Landsforeningen for Nyrepasienter og Transplanterte – NDBK1901

Landsforeningen for Nyrepasienter og Transplanterte Norway 19500.00

Vi vil arrangere en nordisk konferanse for unge nyresyke og organtransplanterte, på initiativet fra vår ungdomsgruppe som er styringsgruppe for prosjektet. Konferansen skal avholdes i september 2019, og ha temaer som nettverksbygging, helsepolitikk, fysiske aktiviteter og faglige foredrag m.m.


YFU Sverige – NDBK1803

YFU Sverige Sweden 13465.00

NBLC is an advanced course for young YFU volunteers from 7 countries in the Nordic-Baltic region. It lasts over a month and combines distance and in-person learning. It provides a platform to better understand and develop personal leadership skills to become aware, engaged and value-driven leaders.


Iceland Documentary Film Festival – NDBK1803

Iceland Documentary Film Festival Iceland 25000.00

HORIZON NORTH aims to connect young people from the Nordic countries that are interested in documentary film during a 5 days Talent Camp and work together on their own interpretation in the moving image and focus on their own documentary style at the 1st Iceland Documentary Film Festival/july 2019.


Nuuk Kunstmuseum – NDBK1803

Nuuk Kunstmuseum Greenland 17000.00

Law Shifters er et projekt for og med børn og unge og får unge mennesker til at diskutere deres politiske holdninger, etiske synspunkter og sans for retfærdighed, idet de gendømmer rigtige retssager og skriver nye lovforslag, som reflekterer den virkelighed, de er en del af i dag.


AlexanderandÁsrún – NDBK1803

AlexanderandÁsrún Iceland 25000.00

Youth group Teenagers in Reykjavik, supported by Artist Ásrún Magnúsdóttir, composer Teitur Magnusson, curator Alexander Roberts, will lead workshops in Iceland, Norway and Finland that invite youth from across the Nordic region to reflect upon their sexuality and gender via dance and song-writing.


SahWira Youth – NDBK1803

SahWira Youth Finland 20000.00

The project brings together SahWira youth (from Finland, Sweden, Denmark and South Africa) with authors, writers, artists, filmmakers, researchers and cultural workers working and thinking around how to survive personally, how to thrive artistically, and how to transform culture 2019-2020.


Barents Regional Youth Council – NDBK1803

Barents Regional Youth Council Norway 20400.00

Uncapitals is an art camp for youth in High North, which gathers 45 people from the Nordic countries, who are going to make a research about the post-industrial community of a small Swedish town in the most northern counties of Norrbotten and collaborate on the common project.


Jeunesses Musicales Norway – NDBK1803

Jeunesses Musicales Norway Norway 25000.00

The Girls Rock Camp Exchange builds on the short term Nordic Girls Rock Camp Network, and seeks to gather Nordic campers as well as some other international participants for an international Camp in Iceland, and a following conference for youth workers in Oslo in the summer and fall of 2019.


Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen – NDBK1803

Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen Norway 25000.00

Amandus – Lillehammer Internasjonale Studentfilmfestival arrangerer for andre gang Amandus YTRING, et prosjekt der samfunnsaktuelle problemstillinger sees på fra et ungt medieperspektiv. Prosjektet arrangeres av studenter i alderen 19-30 år, med innspill fra unge i egne referansegrupper.


Danske Studerendes Fællesråd – NDBK1803

Danske Studerendes Fællesråd Denmark 13577.00

Den 10-14. april 2019 skal DSF, som er en national studenterorganisation i Danmark være værter for Det Nordisk Ordförande Møte (NOM), der er et netværk for nationale studenterorganisationer i nordiske og baltiske lande. Deltagerne er unge frivillige studerende fra 10 nordiske og baltiske lande.


Hyvärilä youth and holiday centre – NDBK1803

Hyvärilä youth and holiday centre Finland 25000.00

Project brings together young people from Finland, Norway, Sweden and Russia for a role play camp which models traditional historic cross-border market trade between Nothern countries and Nordic peoples. First pilot camp program will be developed by and for young people from rural areas.


Københavns Kommunes Ungdomsskole – NDBK1803

Københavns Kommunes Ungdomsskole Denmark 25000.00

En ungdomskonference der har form af et samfundslaboratorium med forskellige workshops, hvor unge fra forskellige storbyer i norden mødes og arbejder visionært og praktisk med temaer, som er relevante for et ungdomsliv i storbyen både politiske, kulturelle og sociale.


Suomen Reumaliitto.ry – NDBK1803

Suomen Reumaliitto.ry Finland 25000.00

The camp is planned by a group of young persons from the Nordic countries, all diagnosed with rheumatic, to other young person in the Nordic countries with the rheumatic diagnose.


Riksorganisationen Unga med Synnedsättning – NDBK1802

Riksorganisationen Unga med Synnedsättning Sweden 8694.00

Nordic Camp är ett läger för medlemmar i Unga med Synnedsättning (US) och dess nordiska systerorganisationer. Det initierades för att främja det nordiska samarbetet och gemenskapen mellan organisationerna.


Nordic Youth Associations – NDBK1802

Nordic Youth Associations Finland 25000.00

Ung Intelligens är ett projekt där ungdomar i åldern 18-30 från Norden och Baltikum utforskar värdet, möjligheterna och riskerna med digital data, samt utvecklar mediekunskap och kritiskt tänkande. Projektets aktiviteter hålls från augusti 2018 till mars 2019 i Finland och Danmark.


Norsensus Mediaforum – NDBK1802

Norsensus Mediaforum Norway 24000.00

The project empowers young people to participate and influence more, providing them with the necessary skills to advocate better for any cause they believe in, through Nordic level and local workshops and specific tools on advocacy, storytelling, communication strategies and online campaigns.


Skedsmo kommune – NDBK1802

Skedsmo kommune Norway 18000.00

The aim of Nordic Youth Photo and Film Club is to establish an arena for young people to express themselves and share thoughts and opinions, believes, dreams and aspirations through creative photography and film. The project will reduce language barriers and boarders between young People.


Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd – NDBK1802

Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd Denmark 11000.00

The Nordic Baltic Cooperation of Youth Councils (NBC) is an informally organised network for exchanging ideas between leading figures of the Nordic and Baltic youth movements. Young and active people from the region meet to exchange ideas and develop projects between their organisations and networks


Allatta! – NDBK1802

Allatta! Greenland 21000.00

Med antologien ”Allatta! 3.0” vil vi skabe en samhørighed på tværs af landegrænserne til det øvrige Norden, så de unge får mulighed for at spejle sig i hinandens kultur – idet der skabes ny grønlandsk ungdomslitteratur, oversat til et skandinavisk sprog. Temaet for antologien er rummelighed.


Ung Media Sverige – NDBK1802

Ung Media Sverige Sweden 21000.00

We are gathering young journalists and media makers from the Nordic countries at a five day seminar in Stockholm in the spring of 2019. The participants will produce media pieces, lifting additional perspectives of newcomers and encourage a diversity of storytelling.


International Medical Cooperation Committee – NDBK1802

International Medical Cooperation Committee Denmark 9300.00

FINO18 will be a 4 day seminar with the theme SDG17 ”Partnerships for delevelopment” for the nordic healthcare students associations. The aim is to strenghten nordic cooperation in order to meet the health challenges of tomorrow by learning from each others national projects and external speakers.


Pohjola-Nordenin Nuorisoliitto – NDBK1802

Pohjola-Nordenin Nuorisoliitto Finland 15000.00

Ungdomens Nordiska Råd (UNR) är ett forum för de politiska ungdomsorganisationerna i Norden.Via UNR kan politiskt aktiva ungdomar utbyta idéer, visioner och vara med och sätta upp ungdomars önskningar på dagordningen i det nordiska samarbetet. Organisationens sekretariat befinner sig i Helsingfors.


Arbetarrörelsens barnorganisation Norden – NDBK1802

Arbetarrörelsens barnorganisation Norden Sweden 22500.00

Democracy School is a forum for learning and cultural exchange for years 2018 and 2019. Aim of the project is to empower and increase the capacity of young participants from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden to work with adults as a participatory human right educator for children and young people.


Northern Wave IFF – NDBK1802

Northern Wave IFF Iceland 25000.00

The project comes as a film training for females aged <30 from the Nordic countries who come from or live in isolated areas where cultural activities are usually underrepresented. Teaching concludes with the form of a short film that will be shown within the 11th Northern Wave Film Festival 2018.



CROSSING BORDERS Denmark 20000.00

Sharing food and life stories are basic ways of community building. In this project, young leaders are trained in storytelling and dialogue, and then host events in their local communities, where local people & immigrants, share food and life stories. In this way fostering a sense of a ‘new us’.


Hyperion – NDBK1801

Hyperion Norway 7500.00

Hyperion og Sverok skal i løpet av november 2018 arrangere en samling for jenter i forbundene våre og i Bifrost, slik at de kan bygge nettverk, utveksle erfaringer om å være jenter i guttedominerte organisasjoner og lære om å bygge inkluderende og manfoldige organisasjoner.


Nordic Youth Summer Institute – NDBK1801

Nordic Youth Summer Institute Iceland 7500.00

The Nordic Youth Summer Institute intends to shine a light on social infrastructure in Nordic countries. We want to encourage youth to think critically about their countries and consider the more minuscule and specific problems within their countries, as well as consider realistic solutions.



UTOPIAN UNION Denmark 23000.00

Utopian Union’s ’workshop: 2031’ will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark April 20-22, 2018.
It’s led by and targets young people and aims to research how art can be a tool for social
and political change. The participants will be from Greenland, Lapland, Iceland, Sweden, Finland
and Denmark.


KulttuuriyhdistysTUFF! – NDBK1801

KulttuuriyhdistysTUFF! Finland 20000.00

TUFF! Hip Hop Summer Camp will be organized at Veturitallit in Jyväskylä together with Jyväskylä Youthservices, GBG association from Gothburg, MUD association form Trondheim and with GOR association from Slovenia. The camp will be organized 3.-6.7.2018.


Föreningen Luckan r.f. – NDBK1801

Föreningen Luckan r.f. Finland 25000.00

Projektet kommer utforma en konstnärlig verkstad med temat mänskliga rättigheter för daghem och förskolor. Genom nordiskt samarbete, innefattande fyra utföranden i olika barngrupper från olika länder, kommer även nya pedagogiska konstverk produceras tillsammans med en Finlandssvensk konstnär.


Saga Finland rf. – NDBK1801

Saga Finland rf. Finland 25000.00

Guardians of Equality (GoE) is an interactive youth seminar that is held 2-8 July 2018 in Inari, Finnish Lapland. The theme is equality regarding gender issues, and the participants form a multicultural group of 46 youngsters aged 16-22 and 6 leaders aged 24-29 from the Nordic and Baltic countries.


Soroptimist International Union of Norway – NDBK1801

Soroptimist International Union of Norway Norway 20000.00

Soroptimist Nordic Leadership Academy (SNLA) er en kort og intensiv opplæring med fokus på lederskap og selvutvikling for unge kvinner. Opplæringen foregår over en uke og arrangeres på omgang i de nordiske landene. I 2018 skal det arrangeres i uke 26 på Røros.


Spejdernes Nordiske Komite – NSK – NDBK1801

Spejdernes Nordiske Komite - NSK Denmark 25000.00

80-100 unge spejdere fra alle de 13 nordiske organisationer mødes til konference i Danmark. Med workshops, sociale aktiviteter og en tur til ”Ungdomsøen” er målet at skabe netværk og skaberkraft blandt deltagerne, så de hjemme lokalt kan styrke børn og unges muligheder for indflydelse og udfoldelse.

Tuensaajat kertovat

Lähikuva Francesca Vincentiestä pimeässä konserttitilassa

Francesca Vincentie, Nordic Remix (musiikki)

”Syntyi ainutlaatuinen, yhteinen soundi, kun saimme viikon ajan haastaa toistemme näkemyksiä ja jakaa oman kielen, perinteet ja inspiraation toisten osallistujien kanssa.” Lue lisää

Kolme naista seisoo kolmen miehen päälaella.

Erik Glas, Kaaos Kaamos (nykysirkus)

”Se, että joku tekee kolme volttia peräkkäin ja laskeutuu virheettömästi, ei ole kiinnostavaa. Me haluamme tuoda esiin ihmisyyden esiintyjissä. Se on usein raskasta ja inhottavaakin – ja niin se saa ollakin.” Lue lisää


Gustav Person, taustalla seinä täynnä piirustuksia.

Gustav Person, Form in Motion (kuvataide)

”Volt-ohjelman tuella pystyimme toteuttamaan hankkeen kolmessa Pohjoismaassa samanaikaisesti. Nuoret Katrineholmista saivat tavata nuoria Färsaarilta ja Oslosta, ja se oli upea kokemus.” Lue lisää