The Expert Group for Network funding decided in their spring meeting 15-16 April to award grants to 21 projects in the first round in 2020. Nordic Culture Point received a total of 67 applications, of which 26 were for the long-term network funding and 41 for the short-term network funding. A total amount of 728 414 euros was granted to 21 projects of which eight were long-term and thirteen short-term.
One of the granted long-term projects, Nordic Arts & Health Research Network, combines arts with health issues and aims to promote collaboration between researchers, professional artists, artist-researchers and educators working within the Arts & Health field in the Nordic countries. The project started as a short-term initiative in 2019. Most of the granted long-term networks are continuation to an earlier short-term initiative.
Short-term network funding was granted for example to Baltic Alternative Music Network. The main objective of the network is to promote and support alternative music cultures that are currently left out of official support mechanisms in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. The project will support especially young alternative music artists in the Baltics. Another example of a granted short-term project is the Nordic-Baltic Network of Life Writing. It is a network between cultural and research institutions that promotes, archives and studies practices of life writing in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The goal of this initiative is to create a sustainable forum for discussions and exchange of information and specific knowledge about varied life-writing practices.
See all granted long-term networks and all granted short-term projects.
Network funding enables periods for cooperation, exchange of ideas and knowledge between professional artists and cultural workers in the Nordic region and the Baltic countries. The funding is a part of The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture, which strengthens artistic and cultural cooperation in the Nordic region and the Baltic states.
The next application round for the short-term network funding opens on 9 September 2020. Long-term network funding is available again in the beginning of 2021.